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First Name
Last Name
Email Address
ZIP/Postal Code
Demographic Information
Our program does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability, gender identities or expression. In order to track the effectiveness of our recruiting efforts and ensure we are meeting the needs of all our applicants, please consider the following questions.
To which pronoun(s) do you most identify?
My name or a name of my choosing (please type in Anything Else You'd Like Us To Know)
I will type my pronouns below in Anything Else You'd Like Us To Know
To which racial or ethnic identity(ies) do you most identify?
Alaska Native, American Indian and/or Indigenous or Native
Asian or Asian-American
Middle Eastern or North African
Black, African and/or African-American
Hispanic, Latino, Latinx, Latine and/or Latina
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Bi-racial or Multi-Racial
Prefer Not to Say
I will type my racial or ethnic identity in the Anything Else You'd Like Us To Know
Source: Source:
We would love to know where you are coming from in your career or educational journey!
Career Changer
Senior in Undergraduate Program
Instructional Assistant or Paraprofessional in a School District
Instructional Assistant or Paraprofessional in Seattle Public Schools
Pre-K or Early Childhood Educator
Already have Teaching Certification (not Elementary or SPED)
Choose from the drop down menu!
Do you need any modifications or accommodations for accessibility to the websites, meetings, application forms or information given?
I will list my accessibility needs or concerns in Anything Else You'd Like Us To Know.
Source: "It is our expectation that all meetings and events sponsored by Seattle Teacher Residency, UW and Seattle Public Schools are accessible to individuals with disabilities. Taking care to create an accessible event benefits not only individuals with visible or known disabilities, but also helps to ensure that all participants/attendees, including individuals with non-obvious disabilities and/or chronic health conditions, and people of all ages and body types, are able to fully engage in the program."
How did you hear about Seattle Teacher Residency?
What questions or concerns do you want addressed by the STR team?
Anything else you'd like us to know?
Please use this space to type your pronoun(s), racial or ethnic identity(ies) or accessibility needs and concerns you would like to share from above.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.